News — pregnant goat
Amore's Due Date
Posted by Korie Boyes on
Poor Amore, she is getting tired of being HUGE! I'm not sure what her due date is so I'm watching for ANY sign of her getting close to kidding. She just doesn't want to be touched by me or the other goats.3/16/2015 updateSTILL NO KIDS...she is so big and not happy!
The source of my goat milk soaps!
Posted by Korie Boyes on
Left to right below: Amaretto, Wild Thing, Whiskey & Amaretto again. Amaretto is "due" April 2...we'll see what she has to say about that ; ). I didn't plan on breeding Wild Thing & Whiskey so I put them in a separate pen. I came home from the Pumpkin Festival at 9p.m. to find Whiskey had broken out of the pen (how????) and was in with the buck and other does. Wild Thing was freaking out because she was alone so I put her in with all the others. I don't think Whiskey was in heat but didn't want to...